Want to know the top 5 tips to stay healthy without dieting?

Want to know 5 top tips to stay healthy without dieting?

Let’s start with the top 5 reasons why diets don’t work.

Hey Friends, Mindi here to let you know that research shows that regular dieting is a waste of time and energy. Thank goodness, right? Who the heck wants to diet? Oh wait, don’t believe me? Read on to find out why…

Why am I dissing on dieting? Because Body, Mind, Soul Fitness, that’s why!

According to Dr. Mark Hyman, functional medicine doctor, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and New York Times bestselling author of “Ultrametabolism” and “Ultrawellness” most diets predictably fail because of 5 reasons…

  1. You try to exercise your willpower to control your appetite instead of understanding there is a science behind hunger. Will power is a limited resource.
  2. Your focus is too much on counting calories and restriction. Deprivation is a path to failure.
  3. Your diet consists of all low-fat foods. Yuck, when they take out fat they add who knows what.
  4. Your weight is actually affected by hidden reasons that require medical attention. Adrenal fatigue, low iron, gut issues.
  5. You lack a solid health and weight loss PLAN to guide you on your journey. The world still thinks in diets, Body, Mind and Soul Coaches don’t♥

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. – Ecclesiastes 9:7 NIV

Dr Hyman also says that when the average dieter loses weight, they lose muscle AND fat.
But once they regain the weight, they gain back only the fat which will ultimately slow down your metabolism.
Boooo! That’s not what we want!

How can I be healthy and successful without dieting?

Here are 5 success tips that will keep you healthy without dieting – these work for lots of folks but ultimately tuning into your body wisdom is the best way to feel amazing without dieting.

  1. Eat whole fresh food (high nutrient) to satisfy your appetite – your body will be less hungry because it’s fully nourished, really. Try it.
  2. Eat protein for breakfast to boost your energy for the day. Not just protein – keep that plate/meal magic with leafy greens, starchy carbs, healthy fats.
  3. Eat your last meal three hours before bedtime to give your system time to digest before sleep and if screens gets you worked up/you fall into the social media abyss, shut those down 1 hour before you close those beautiful eyes!
  4. Make low-glycemic foods your diet staple such as nuts, seeds, chicken and fish so your blood sugar stays level. The blood sugar roller coaster is not fun like the ones at Disneyland.
  5. Eat good fats at every meal such as avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil (healthy fats are your friend, not your enemy). YES! Permission to enjoy fat, you’ve been waiting for this right?

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. – Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 NIV

Plus a bonus tip via video♥

One way to reframe those thoughts when they are keeping us from what we truly want!Does this resonate with you?Need to talk more about how to take control back from your emotions. DM me💞

Posted by Mindi Davis Huebner on Sunday, February 24, 2019

What do I do now?
In my health coaching practice, I help my clients learn how to lose weight, gain energy and feel better than ever without dieting. That’s freakin’ winning!

Don’t take my word for it –
I started my 90 day transformation 3 weeks ago. This last session totally reaffirmed I am on the right path. I have already embraced many new healthy habits including the most important one of showing up for me, aka me first. I feel stronger, more fit and happier. Even though its sounds crazy I even feel taller and yay, less bloated. I am enjoying eating for energy and being mindful of what and how I eat. Grocery shopping has seriously been a joy. I’m learning to listen to my body and I can’t wait to see what the next several weeks hold. Mindi is an awesome coach and cheerleader. She has encouraged me to be honest for my best life. Reminds me to give myself grace. Most importantly has taught me that the tiniest bits of accomplishments are the biggest victories. Jumping forward 2 weeks…I stepped on the scale this morning… -6 lbs. 🙂 Encouragement to keep moving forward! J.L. Edgerton, WI

If you want to take control of your health in a way that sets you up for inevitable success and make a commitment to being the healthiest and happiest version of yourself, then click here now to schedule a time to talk with me today!

To your health – Body, Mind and Soul♥
Mindi & Irina

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Move that amazing body!

Mindi Huebner is Co-Founder of Pure Grace, a Certified Health Coach, a work in progress, and a beloved child of God. Mindi is scandalously obsessed with leaving people and things better than she found them. 2019 is the year of living fearlessly, epically and totally by design. Join her for all things body, mind and soul on the blog♥

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