Proven Habits to Boost Energy and Productivity

Macro Habits, Micro Habits – we get by with a little help from our friends!

We are back at it – talking ’bout boosting that energy and productivity!
Gettin’ our mindset aka brainset fixed on self care and self love!
Again with the productivity? You know it sister – Life on Purpose! Body, Mind, Soul Fitness♥
Ready to do this?
But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded – 2 Chronicles 15:7 ESV

How do productivity, macro habits and micro habits go hand in hand?

I’m so glad you asked.
When we decide we want something different in our lives, we want to be someone different (not because we are not good enough, because we know there is a higher version of us! God has a plan and a purpose for us, growth is def part of it!) Several things need to happen for us to get on the road to our new or better adventure.
We set goals, we understand why we want theses goals – we get to the why under the why, we set up conditions for inevitable success, wait, wut?

Yep, enter macro and micro habits.

Goals = Macro habits
I want to move my body more
I want to lose XX lbs.
I want to drink more water
I want to be more present
I want to reduce stress
Conditions for inevitable success = micro habits
Goal – I want to move my body more

  • micro habit – put in in my schedule as an appointment
  • micro habit – get my work out clothes ready the night before
  • micro habit – have my yoga video cued up
Check out the video – I apologize I could not get it to just play in this post – technology!
Decide what you really want in your health, your business, you life – define those micro habits and see your productivity, energy and focus increase!
Yes, I do this with my private clients and yes they see HUGE gains!
Click HERE now to schedule a time to talk with me today if you need the support and accountability to help you take your life, your health and your business to the next level!
I’m so excited to be launching the next 30 days of Body, Mind, Soul Fitness – Start living life by DESIGN not default.
This group starts soon and I only have 10 spots left for the the woman Ready to rewrite her story and start with GRATITUDE! Decide today to invest your health – body, mind and soul♥
Here’s to your inevitable success!
Life on Purpose Coach
Body Mind Soul Fitness for Female Entrepreneurs
Mindi Huebner is Co-Founder of Pure Grace, a Certified Health Coach, a work in progress, and a beloved child of God. Mindi is scandalously obsessed with leaving people and things better than she found them. 2019 is the year of living fearlessly, epically and totally by design. Join her for all things body, mind and soul on the blog♥
Want more focus and less stress aka become more productive? Grab my freebie on slowing down, yep – check it out!

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Highly successful people all seem to have one thing in common: They have created habits and daily routines to support their goals and be more productive. When you learn to do these micro habits, you will create more success and happiness as a female entrepreneur, both in your work and personal life. Read, pin, & grab your free coaching call at #successhabits #productivity #productive #entrepreneurtips

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