How to Reduce Your Stress!

Simple Ways to Reduce Your Stress

Let's talk about stress baby!Posting this here because IGTV is giving me fits. Que deep breathing. #LifeonPurposeCoach#ReduceStress

Posted by Mindi Davis Huebner on Friday, February 1, 2019

Why are we talking about reducing your stress again?  Because Body, Mind, Soul Fitness♥
Yep so many of us are affected by stress, depending on which research you look at, upwards of 75% of us suffer from stress and we were not created for this my friend.

What does scripture tell us?

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. – John 10:10a AMPC
Stress is a thief. stealing your life, stealing your health, stealing your joy.
I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. – John 10:10b AMPC
Jesus came to save, Jesus came so you could NOT stress and NOT stress in abundance♥
Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

And it’s tough love time

We turn way too many things adverse or imagine them to be more important or more demanding than they are. We stress in traffic like that will make it move faster, we stress thinking about all we need to do instead of just getting started. We stress because we have told ourselves the same story over and over – “I’m so stressed out.” Okay, we are because we keep saying it and thinking it and therefore feeling it. Sisters, we are winning the game we are playing. Each of us wins the stress badge. But none of us wants to win this game really. So what’s next?

Back to the Word

God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], A very present and well-proved help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken and slip into the heart of the seas, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its roaring. Selah [pause and calmly think of that!]. – Psalm 46:1-3 AMPC

This scripture reminds us God is in control and He has our back. Feeling weak – He is our strength. Feeling anxious or worried about a situation – He is our help. Feeling overwhelmed – He is a mighty refuge. Notice how this Psalm ends – Selah, pause and calmly think on that. Pause, take a breath. Pause, count to ten. Pause, think on all the reasons you are grateful for God.

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. – Philippians 4:8 AMPC

We are the thinkers of our thoughts

Stress starts in our mind even though we feel it in our emotions and in our bodies. So what can we do in addition to the tips in the video? Start fixing our mind on thoughts worth thinking. Seriously, we can do it. We are the thinker of our thoughts! When the stress filled thoughts try to come up stop, drop (those thoughts) and roll – things worthy of praise into that space! Progress over perfection. Keep keeping at it. Take each thought captive as it comes. Count to ten. Breathe. Selah.

Your health – body, mind and soul is an amazing gift. Embrace it, cultivate it, invest in it. God has big, amazing plans for you and me and all of us. We’re gonna need some energy to do the good, purposeful work He has for us! Here’s to less stress and taking it one day at a time.
More Body, Mind, Soul fitness here

XOXO – Mindi Life on Purpose Coach

Ready to take a step into action? – Our next 30 day group starts soon!

weight loss, healthy habits, reduce stress, gain energy

Schedule your complimentary Feel Great, Look Great Breakthrough Session with Mindi – Uncover what’s been stopping you from feeling fab & get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to feel and look fab, have more energy, and LESS STRESS in 90 days! Do it now, you deserve it! – Feel Great, Look Great Breakthrough Session


Mindi Huebner is Co-Founder of Pure Grace, a Certified Health Coach, a work in progress, and a beloved child of God. Mindi is scandalously obsessed with leaving people and things better than she found them. If you think LOVE is always the answer, join her as she writes about her road trips with God at Back Row Faith – The Pure Grace Blog. If you don’t think love is always the answer, join her anyway. Go.Be.Love

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