How to Create a Soul-Aligned Business!

How to Create a Soul-Aligned Business!

My latest interview was with Elise Enriquez on The Productivity Breakthrough Podcast and we chat about ways to create a soul-aligned business.

“What is success? What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it taste like? What does it sound like? Let’s dive into who you get to be and let’s start being her right now.” ~ Mindi Huebner

Discussion Details:

  • Your brain deletes, distorts and generalizes based on what you believe
  • You are always winning the game you’re playing. Are you playing a game you wanna win?
  • Start looking at some habits in your life that aren’t serving you. And then you can reverse engineer that habit to uncover the limiting belief that’s getting in your way
  • Our language matters
  • Self-compassion is a required ingredient for self improvement.

Listen to the full podcast HERE!

soul-aligned business

Check out my Limited Series Unconscious to Conscious Podcast HERE!

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