Change Your Mindset With Mental Rehearsal

We’ve all heard about how to have a positive mindset to hit our goals. But have you ever practiced mental rehearsal? 

Recently, I was a guest on the top-rated business podcast, Spa Marketing Made Easy with Daniela Woerner, where we dove into Mastering Your Mindset With Mental Rehearsal.  

In this episode we discuss:

  • The practice of mental rehearsal & how it works.
  • How to unlock and frame your mindset with positivity & abundance.
  • Steps to begin conducting YOUR mental rehearsal.
  • Why we have limiting beliefs & how to move beyond them.
  • How to set yourself up for mindset work success.
  • How to take the shame out of the equation.

You can listen to the full podcast HERE.

Are you in the spa industry? Daniela is an absolute powerhouse businesswoman. You can connect with her HERE.

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Are you ready to rewire your brain & unlock your magic!?

Grab my free guided meditation here.

XO – Mindi

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