Work Life Harmony Podcast

Yes, Work Life Harmony and Megan Sumrell‘s Podcast!

I’m pumped to bring you my most recent guest spot on a fab podcast!

Megan Sumrell is Productivity master!

I had the privilege of interviewing her a while back, you can watch here

I know you’ll love digging into this episode and all the good stuff we cover on productivity, energy and more.

The title of her podcast gives me all the feel because I fully believe balance is b.s. and harmony is everything – I am willing to debate this or fist fight – JK.

No fist fights but the invite to debate is open.

In a nut shell balance says all things are equal and harmony says ebb and flow, give and take. You tell me what seems more realistic?

Nuff talking – take a listen and subscribe to get her golden tips right to your inbox – Life On Purpose With Mindi Huebner – Episode 10

energy, focus, productivity, entrepreneur, money

Read more on productivity

Did you miss my fave podcast list? Click here

And last but def not least…

Do the holidays cause more stress than joy for you? You get to change that.

You deserve to enjoy not only the holidays, but every day friend. Taking time to listen to a podcast, talk a walk or take 5 big deep breaths is not selfish, it’s vital to your soul.

You know you also get to have a strategy call with me. Yep, for free. An entire call dedicated to helping you figure out where and why you are stuck, how to move away from what you no longer want (like stress, overwhelm, extra pounds and brain fog) and how to start prioritizing yourself so you have the energy you need to make the income and the impact you desire! Click here NOW♥

Please, let me know how I can support you♥



Life on Purpose Coach for Female Entrepreneurs – Body, Mind and Soul Fitness

Mindi Huebner is a Certified Life and Health Coach and a Certified Belief Clearing Practitioner. She has been coaching, mentoring and guiding women for over 25 years. She fully believes self-care is essential to having the business and life you deeply desire!

Don’t Stop Here!

Check out the favorites!

mindset mastery

Unlock the Power of Mindset Mastery

Unlocking the Power of Mindset Mastery Recently, I was a guest on the BriteVibe Podcast with Matt Lillie, where we discussed the critical role of